Posts and Recaps


Thursday, July 24, 2014

Blair and Tootie plan weddings: "For Better or for Worse" recap through tweets

I've been grossly remiss in posting since Saturday night's viewing extravaganza of For Better or for Worse on the Hallmark channel. Life and work and whatnot have been happening. I did experiment with tweeting while watching it on DVR, but I'm not popular enough for it to matter. However since time does not permit a full recap at this very moment, I will reproduce my tweets below so you can get an idea of the mindset in progress. In case you were wondering, yep, the movie is as dreadfully clichéd as you expected.

Before that, however, here's the quick synopsis: Eternally Optimistic Widowed Wedding Planner (Lisa Welchel/Blair) finds that Tough-As-Nails (but very attractive, natch) Divorce Attorney has leased the office next door. She is dismayed, and gossips about the matter with her wisecracking token black assistant (Kim Fields/Tootie). Meanwhile, she is excited that her son is coming home from law school for a visit. Son returns, and it turns out that he's engaged to a vegan, he has become vegan himself, and the two are planning to quit law school to become vegan farmers (it's at this point that I became somewhat concerned that there is an actual connection between anything Facts of Life-related and my actual brain). But wait! There's more! Vegan fiancée lady is the daughter of the Tough-As-Nails Divorce Attorney who has just put his happiness-destroying office next door to the Eternally Optimistic Widowed Wedding Planner! Hijinks ensue as TANDA and EOWWP work together to try to stop the nuptials and keep the Krazy Kids in law school. In the end they come around and decide to support Krazy Kids, up to and including EOWWP bestowing her precious wedding dress upon vegan fiancée lady. Full disclosure: the last bit is filled in from my tweets; I was no longer sober at the end of the movie and I don't really have any actual recollection of what happened.

But here's what I thought as it happened:

Watching on Channel b/c of and . Didn't know it also had a vegan law student.

This town in has the most coincidences ever.

A vegan would not go fishing. .

Constant background music on is very annoying.


Woman leaves man who isn't right for her when she finds true love right under hey [sic] nose in the most unlikely of places.

has every rom com cliche in the book. That's why we love .

No one uses cell phones in this town, they just show up.

How do you know everything is going to be OK? 'Cause it's a movie.

is wrapping up with one greeting card bon mot after another.

Blair was always very good at event planning.

Of course the dress fits perfectly.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you watched this so I didn't have to. Reading your (brilliant) recap made me wish I were drunk, too. Fishing vegans? Wha tha fa? And let me guess, did the film derive humor from taking pot-shots at the crazy vegans, only to ultimately come 'round to accepting the oddballs? Ah well, I'm still glad to know Blair and Tootie are working together as we all approach midlife.
