Posts and Recaps


Thursday, April 30, 2015

It's Back on TV!

Greetings all. I really shouldn't be making this post at all, since I have a final tomorrow that I am studying for right now. But it's Thursday, and I just discovered that there's a Facts of Life Facebook group, so once they approve me for membership I'm going to send them here. And I wanted to say hello. But here's the thing! There's actual news!


It's true. I ran across it the other night while channel-flipping. It's on Logo, which comes with most premium cable packages I've seen (I don't know about basic), and was reminded of it again on said Facts of Live Facebook page. Logo is the LGBT-friendly channel. It fits; indeed, I've written about how it's often argued that Jo/Nancy McKeon inspired a generation of lesbians. But who cares why or where? It's on.

Yes, I know I have the whole series on DVD. But isn't it more fun to be surprised sometimes?

On another note, since I expect to have a bunch of new readers soon: I know that my blog needs some major cosmetic work, like indexing and categorization and tags and that sort of thing. I intend to get to it, really! After I finish school, and pass the bar, and find a job...

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