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Monday, March 6, 2017

Richard Moll? That's Bull!

TV junkies may already know about the Tommy Westphall Universe. Here is my commentary on the argument that The Facts of Life fits into it.

In an unrelated turn of excellent events, a friend of mine mentioned on Facebook that he was watching Night Court. Oh, how I used to love that show. I asked if he knew which Night Court regular appeared as himself on two episodes of Facts.

It's not a big secret but also not necessarily common knowledge.

In the two-part opener of season nine of Facts, Richard Moll appears as himself, and when they meet in the police station in Malibu, Jo ends up housesitting for him. It includes a predictable but funny joke:

Jo: "I'm housesitting for Richard Moll."
Tootie: "Richard Moll? That's Bull!"
Jo: "No, really."


But what we do know is that Night Court is a fictional show that exists in the Facts of Life universe.

It turns out that Night Court isn't in the Tommy Westphall universe, so this revelation doesn't really mean anything, other than that perhaps Night Court is the proverbial dream within a dream within a dream.

Also, I heart the 80s.

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